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About Christian


Meet the Author of "America, Don't Give Up "

Christian Hodges

Around his fellow classmates and peers, Christian is commonly referred to as “Mr. President,” for his hard working nature, point-blank patriotism, and his leading spirit. Christian has been gifted with the ability to successfully analyze problems, thoughtfully strategize potential solutions, deliberately execute the right plans, and forge lasting relationships in the process, all in the pursuit of achieving the best possible results through his commanding leadership style. However, this hasn't always been the story of his life.


Just a few months, on the day after Christmas, he got sick with what was thought to be a common flu. On Jan 4th, the ambulance was called because he took a turn for the worse. That afternoon, Christian was transferred from Beebe Hospital to AIDupont Children's Hospital. At A.I. Dupont, Christian was diagnosed with viral encephalitis, and he spent 9 days under the care of the Nemours staff. For 6 days, he was basically unconscious. Then, he awoke but couldn’t speak. When he did speak, he started repeating each word he said three times. On the 9th day, he was released speaking normally. Since then he has experienced extreme brain fog and couldn’t focus to think or read as well as fatigue. When he started school for this semester on Jan 18, he was struggling. He knew he had his Senior Thesis Project (STP) to complete before graduation. Simply completing his initial assignment – writing his thesis statement – was a mind-boggling challenge for him.


BUT GOD… in divine sovereignty is healing Christian! Over the past semester, Christian has steadily worked at his STP, and God has opened doors of influence for interviews. His initial assignment of a 20-page paper is now a book of around 150 pages. 

Christian has a fervent passion for our unalienable rights, and he couldn’t imagine living without the provision of their security. Moreover, Christian firmly believes that the act of courageously defending our gracious liberties is needed more so now, than ever before. Through this book, he hopes many more will come to a similar realization.

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